Carnival cruises registration desks

Digital Signage für den Transportbereich

Sorgen Sie dafür, dass sich jede Minute der Reise für Ihre Passagiere lohnt!

Für Kreuzfahrtlinien, Flughäfen, Fluggesellschaften, Bahnhöfe, Bahngesellschaften, U-Bahnen, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, VIP-Lounges und andere Bereiche, in denen sich Reisende und Pendler aufhalten.

Die Mobilität ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des modernen Lebens. Im Durchschnitt verbringen alle Menschen weltweit jeweils 40 Minuten pro Tag auf dem Arbeitsweg, dabei sind Dienst- und Urlaubreisen nicht mitgezählt. Wie erleichtert man den Menschen die Reise und wie leitet man die Menschenströme effizient? Wie können Sie diese als verloren wahrgenommene Zeit in eine angenehme Erfahrung umwandeln? Die Digital Signage-Lösungen von SpinetiX können Ihnen dabei helfen. Stellen Sie den Benutzern Verkehrsinformationen in Echtzeit zur Verfügung und informieren Sie sie über Zeitpläne, Transfers, Verspätungen, Stornierungen sowie andere Ereignisse. Verringern Sie die wahrgenommene Wartezeit der Passagiere, indem Sie Fernsehen zusätzlich mit spezifischen Informationen über ihr Ziel anzeigen. Sorgen Sie dafür, dass sich jede Minute der Reise für Ihre Passagiere lohnt!

Figure 1 - Real time transfer timetables and twitter feed with SpinetiX

Facilitate people’s journey.

“Stations, buses and trains on my way to work are all equipped with screens displaying real-time information on the current trip schedule but also inform of transfers in each station and time before the next train or bus. Thanks to that I can optimize my trip. Besides, I can watch the news on the train. It is easy and time passes much faster. Commuting is much less of a burden for me than it used to.”
A lady commuting at Lausanne train station, Switzerland

Figure 2 - At Jungfrau railway station, people directly enter the mountain experience with screens featuring the area greatest landscapes.

Reduce perceived waiting time and improve passenger experience.

“We experience rush hours at the main entrance of our ski resort and on the main accesses lines to ski lift installations. We noticed that our clients spend a lot of their ski day in waiting: for example, to get their ski equipment, down the runs - to get back up, and so on. We decided to implement a smart digital signage system to better distribute people on the resort and only SpinetiX could match our requirements. At each meeting point, we installed a screen displaying a map of the resort with the influx on each run and daily statistics on rush hours to engage people to choose their route accordingly. We also stream news and ski events to make any additional wait less frustrating. We display weather forecasts and alerts; it is really a great versatile signage solution. The impact was immediate: waiting time decreased by 10% on the first season and skiers are much better distributed on the resort which is very important as we target a 20% of visitor growth in the 5 coming years.”
Ski resort CEO, Canada

Figure 3 - With SpinetiX, advertize products and services you can offer to passengers waiting for their flight.

Monetize your mass audience.

“My shop is just in front of two gates at the airport. There is an advertising screen right beside it. I booked this display permanently and I have content delegation for it. This way I can advertise special products depending on the destination of people waiting 5-meters away from my shop. As soon as I know where the next passengers are heading to, I choose the right animation I created with Elementi to attract their attention to my shop and it works! My yearly advertising investment is covered in 3 months by the selling of the advertised products.”
Airport shop owner, Italy

Our references at a glance.

Thanks to our ecosystem of partners and distributors, we empower hundreds of transportation companies around the globe from independent cruise lines to international airports.

Grand Central Terminal, NY – USA

SpinetiX solutions helped modernize the information system of this historical landmark while preserving the authentic atmosphere of the place.

Bagdad Airport – Iraq

Bagdad airport’s real challenge was an immense videowall displaying weather and time in every destination covered by the airport. This information alternates with a tourist video advertising Bagdad and the country.

Carnival Cruise Line – USA

SpinetiX powers the whole digital signage system for Carnival Cruise Line from desk registration to wayfinding and advertising.

The scope of the project and the proven track record made SpinetiX the first choice of Carnival Cruise Line with more than 300 screens equipped since 2015.

Liège Airport - Belgium

Ostrava Airport – Czech Republic

Malpensa Airport Lounge - Italy

Sion Airport - Switzerland

The Peak tram – Hong Kong

Grand Central Station - USA

Carnival Cruise Line - USA

Bagdad Airport - Iraq

New Doha International Airport - Qatar

Etihad Airways Airport Lounge - UAE

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